Textile sourcing agency
Our agency is proud to be representative of the top Turkish textile manufacturers, producing eco-friendly and sustainable products. Turkish fabrics and Turkish garments known worldwide for their high quality, large assortment and affordable prices. Our suppliers' facilities ensure top-quality and innovative designs to meet global market demands. Besides that, Turkey’s geographical proximity to the EU and import duty free customs agreement between Turkey and EU play a decisive role in optimizing logistics processes.
Future trends
Product quality
Sustainable solutions
About company
TSA — reliable agent
in the B2B textile sector
Our mission is to provide apparel market operators of any size and niche with the most suitable for their needs fabrics and garment products on the side of the business partner.
Our values:
To be a reliable agent in the sector representing high quality, sustainable and lean textile manufacturers and ensuring the highest level of customer satisfaction;
To be at peace with nature by creating and promoting environmental awareness;
To fulfil our social responsibility.

Our services
Provision of agency services
in the selection of fabric
and garment suppliers
Provision of agency services to European fashion brands in the selection of fabric and garment suppliers. We offer European brands a pool of sustainable Turkish fabrics manufacturing factories for the production of clothing, as well as sewing factories, specialized in private label garment production.
Every point that has been previously mentioned will be done on the background of high-quality service: finding fabric manufacturer or/and garment manufacture, quality and terms check, preliminary negotiation, etc.
Problems and solution:
The lack of outsourcing
An agents is buyer for companies
Difficulties to find international suppliers
Research foreign markets and negotiation

Market research

Fabric quality

Choice of commercial terms

Preliminary negotiation
Certificates of our suppliers

Aleksandra Arenina,
Founder of TSA

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